
Come to the Table

All the praise hands.
Photo by clara_s

The word “Christian” carries a lot of baggage these days. Some Christians have become so obnoxiously enmeshed in the culture wars and their attendant political causes, not to mention the ever-present interdenominational doctrinal disputes, that I sometimes feel that the statement “I am a Christian” needs to come with list of provisos, explanations and disclaimers that would rival any internet terms-and-conditions form in its length and opaque, self-serving legalese.

Perhaps there will be times and circumstances when I will feel compelled to do that. But today at my congregation we opened our worship with a hymn that strips all of that away, and strikes a bullseye right through the heart of my personal faith. So today I will just say “I am a Christian” and leave you by way of explanation with this hymn.

Jennifer Boone (formerly Jennifer Busick) writes essays, short stories, novels, Bible studies, articles and books.