Books,  Family

In the Cooler

Book cover for Dear Grammas (Raising Parents is Hard)

Today, I’ll share with you an excerpt from my forthcoming book: Dear Grammas (Raising Parents is Hard). It’s a collection of letters written over a period of three years, during the infancy and toddlerhood of my firstborn. I wrote to her grandmothers in her voice.

My poor daughter. Most children don’t have to worry that their mom is eventually going to publish their baby book.

The book itself won’t be illustrated, but I do have photos of many of the incidents. I plan to share some excerpts and the illustrations for them here.

Today’s excerpt is from August, 2001:

A small child sitting in a small plastic cooler

Today, Grammas, I got myself in a real jam. While Mommy and Daddy were eating lunch, I was playing, and I got out the cooler. It is not a very big cooler. I thought it would make a nice box to play in so I opened it up and got in. Well, then I couldn’t get out, Grammas! I was stuck for sure! I cried, but Mommy and Daddy laughed like it was funny! Grammas, you need to spank them for me! It must have been hours before they finally got me out of there!

from Dear Grammas (Raising Parents is Hard) by J.A. Busick

Eventually, she figured out how to get into and out of the cooler, and it became fun, as you can see in the photo.

Jennifer Boone (formerly Jennifer Busick) writes essays, short stories, novels, Bible studies, articles and books.