Hearing Voices
How do the voices in your head make you feel?
The Company You Keep. Yes, You.
Are you the one who's bad company?
Looking for Leaders
There is a paradox in leadership
Make Good Shoes
Sometimes "I hope you feel better soon" is the wrong thing to say.
A Mother’s Thoughts
Any fool who says, “Do you work?” to a housewife deserves the low esteem in which she will hold them.
Good Gifts for His Children
A good dad will give you everything.
Learning in Increments, Teaching by Habits
Children may learn what they live, but you can't really predict which things.
2021: Waiting for the Happiness Fairy
Don't wait on the Happiness Fairy to come and bless us all with total joy.
A Moment With the Election
Elections trick us into thinking there is losing and winning.
A Meditation on Lazarus
Why does Lazarus of Bethany never speak?